
Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook
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Title: Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook
Author: Kim Krans
The Wild Unknown Archetypes boxed set by Kim Krans illuminates the revelatory power of archetypes—the ancient, universal symbols that have endured across time and cultures and reside deep
The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle
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Crystals have been used for divination since ancient times. The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle will connect you to your higher, intuitive self, and, in the process, give you amazing insights into your past, present and future.
Make Your Own Gem Water Love Blend
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Gem Water is water infused with minerals and the properties possessed by those minerals. Infusion is accomplished by placing the minerals in close proximity to the water. When infusion is complete, one can drink the water to receive the mineral properties
An Introduction to Crystal Grids
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A symphony of crystals energized in complete harmony-that’s a crystal grid. The configuration of crystals harness the ultimate power of your grid. An Introduction to Crystal Grids is the perfect guide for beginners to manifest intentions and positive ener
The Crystal Tarot
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Crystals, like tarot cards, have for centuries been used for healing and divination. In this boxed set, each card image shows a crystal to enhance the traditional tarot image. Accompanied by a book showing how to lay out the cards for readings.
Pendulum Kit
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Unlock the mysteries of pendulum divination with this magnificent kit! This kit includes a pendulum & the "A Little Bit of Pendulums" book, a 4" sage stick & rough sodalite, clear quartz, aventurine, rose quartz, & red jasper.
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook
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Title: The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook
Author: Kim Krans
The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook helps seekers of all levels expand their practice of self-discovery with this breathtaking keepsake boxed set featuring an oracle deck
The Alchemy of Stones
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The Alchemy of Stones is a breakthrough in Robert Simmons’ career exploring the spiritual qualities of minerals and crystals. This framework for understanding stones and their energies leads readers to spiritual healing, transformation, and transcendence.
Divine Dog Wisdom Cards
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Divine Dog Wisdom Cards are designed to inspire and delight you while offering meaningful guidance for your day and your life. 62 unique cards portray universal themes such as Passion, Purpose, Balance, Cooperation and more.
Crystal Kit
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Introduce yourself to the world of crystal healing! The "A Little Bit of Crystals" book advises on choosing crystals, crystal elixirs, meditation, and fortunetelling. 6 crystals are included: selenite, petrified wood, chrysocolla, aragonite, & howlite.
Crystal Grid Oracle
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Awaken the healer within as you access the wisdom of crystal grids! The Crystal Grid Oracle will change the way you use and work with crystals and gemstones forever.
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