Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties

Metaphysical Properties of Our Rocks, Crystal, & Minerals

Amazonite Thought to be a stone of truth, Amazonite may assist with speaking calmly and truthfully. It is believed to assist with spoken manifestation and is touted as a peacemaking stone.
Amber Thought to create warmth from the inside out for the wearer and beholder, amber is recommended for those recovering from an illness due to its nurturing and strengthening capacities. It may help clarify the route to positivity and aid in the journey.
Amethyst Protection and purification are major properties believed to be associated is amethyst. It is suggested for those looking to overcome addiction, clear negativity, and reach higher states of consciousness.
Ametrine A stone believed to assist in negative habit breaking and energy purification, Ametrine is a great addition for those looking to stay focused and create positive change. Ametrine may be particularly helpful in the workplace with staying on task and keeping energy up.
Andalusite Andalusite is believed to increase physical, as well as, emotional heartiness and replenishment. It is thought of as a friendly stone that may help to strengthen comfort for those who are particularly sensitive.
Angel Aura Quartz As the beauty of this stone implies, angel aura quartz is believed to assist the user in finding inner beauty reminiscent of the flashes of angelic luster the stone gives off. Additionally, it is believed to aid in relaxation, purification, and uplifting.
Angelite (Blue Anhydrite) As its name and angelic coloring imply, Angelite is believed to assist with communion with higher beings and planes of thought. It may help in attuning psychic abilities and also open the path for receiving messages, love, and guidance.
Apache Tears (Obsidian) Apache tears are believed to assist in the processing of traumas past and present. Meditation with these stones is suggested for those seeking to move beyond past emotional patterns and for those desiring protection and healing.
Apatite Associated with the third eye, blue apatite is touted as a stone that increases psychic perception and abilities. It may assist in solving long unresolved questions.
Aquamarine Associated with the Divine Feminine and water element, aquamarine is believed to grant calming and cooling energy. For women it is purported to assist with speaking assertively, and for men it is believed to assist with emotional intelligence.
Aragonite Aragonite is considered to be a fantastic grounding stone. It is thought to be helpful for those who are overly sensitive, needing concentration assistance, and/or needing additional comfort. Physically it is believed to assist with chills, muscle spasms, and grounding mentally.
Astrophyllite A stone associated with self-knowing, astrophyllite may assist in gaining consciousness of one's divine purpose, while also grounding to earthly reality. It is believed to foster the ability to break old patterns while promoting enthusiasm for the life we have.
Auralite/Auralite 23 Auralite is purported to connect us with a higher level of consciousness, psychic abilities, and the spiritual realms. It may help with chronic physical problems and bring us to our higher selves.
Aventurine A stone of optimism and luck, green aventurine may assist with taking on challenges in life with a sense of positivity. It is believed to help the user move through challenges and come out with vitality and confidence.
Azurite Thought to stimulate the third eye, Azurite is believed to enhance psychic abilities and assist in the retention of information. Physically it is considered to be helpful in ailments relating to the brain.
Bismuth Bismuth is associated with the potential to bring about change and transformation. It is thought to raise the vibrational energy of the user and boost social connectivity.
Bloodstone Associated and given its name from the belief that the red tones come from the blood of Christ, bloodstone is thought to be a wonderful purification stone - both for the physical and spiritual. A stone thought to ground, it is also associated with assistance during physical health issues, especially those relating to blood.
Blue Lace Agate Associated with the throat chakra, Blue Lace Agate is believed to assist with communication and expression of one's highest truth. It aids in clear expression with calming energy.
Boji Stones Boji Stones are lauded as a supreme grounding option. They are paired as a male and female stone, bringing balance and stability between these energies. Physical effects are believed to be a reduction in pain and tissue regeneration.
Bumblebee "Jasper" The stone of adventure, bumblebee "jasper" may connect you with your gut instinct and encourage you to seize the day. This stone is also purported to aid in the digestive tract, liver, and kidney cleansing.
Calcite (Blue) Blue calcite is thought to be an ideal stone for soothing emotional challenges. It is believed to aid in emotional protection and stimuli reduction.
Calcite (Clear) Similar to clear quartz, clear calcite is thought to amplify one's intent and manifestations. It may assist with self-reflection, particularly when changes in life are approaching.
Calcite (Green) As a stone of the heart chakra, green calcite is associated with the cooling of hot emotions and the clearing of negative psychic energy. Due to this positive heart connection, it is also suggested for use during meditations and sleep for a clear mind and pleasant dreams.
Calcite (Honey) The purported properties of honey calcite lend it perfectly to being the ultimate work companion. Believed to assist with complex problem solving and stamina, while giving a state of calm, honey calcite is a fantastic companion to those with demanding careers in particular.
Calcite (Orange) Orange calcite is associated with sexuality and this may display in the form of an aphrodisiac, trauma healer, or energy unlodging depending on the internal needs of the user. Its energy-moving capabilities may also assist in dislodging stuck or stalled projects in life.
Calcite (Pink Opaque) Pink opaque calcite is believed to be a great amplifier of both love and empathy. This stone may be especially helpful in dispelling arguments and clearing emotional fixations. 
Calcite (Pink Transparent/Optical) Pink Optical Calcite is an ideal stone for those seeking greater compassion. In meditation it is said to bring a deep sense of joy and gratitude of life for the user. Pink optical calcite may additionally aid with digestive challenges associated with stress.
Carnelian A stone that is said to support courage and vitality, carnelian is a fantastic life force and energy booster. Carnelian is purported to be a strong support for building confidence and creativity.
Celestite (Celestine) A stone of softness both physically and energetically, celestite is touted to assist with connecting to one's angelic guides. The energy of the stone is believed to be gently uplifting, and it is ideal to place in a bedroom in particular.
Charoite Charoite is believed to be a powerful stone tool for eliminating negativity under the surface, deeply internalized fears, and unresolved past life issues. It is touted as a powerful tool against nightmares due to these characteristics, and it may additionally assist in work in resolving past traumas. 
Chrysocolla This stone may be associated with feminine energies, but for all genders it is believed to assist with clear and profound communication. Associated with the throat chakra, it is especially recommended to be worn near this area for the most assistance in expressing oneself.
Chrysoprase Chrysoprase is a stone associated with nature and connection to the greater good. Users may have assistance with facing fear-inducing situations and find themselves lovingly looking out for not only themselves but connected to good for all. 
Citrine Citrine is believed to be a fantastic aid in driving and fostering the internal creative force. Emotionally it opens us up to optimistic possibilities, and physically it is thought to assist in digestion and metabolism.
Clear Quartz Clear quartz is not only abundant in nature but also thought to be abundant in metaphysical capabilities. It works well with all other crystals and makes an excellent foundation for gridding, wand building, and other amplification needs. It is tied to emotional clarity and amplification.
Copal Copal is associated with energetic cleansing. It is utilized for protection and spiritual communication.
Copper A metal thought to connect Earth to heaven, copper is a metal associated with magic. Paired with crystals, it is thought to function much like electrical wire, amplifying the capabilities.
Dendritic Agate Dendritic agates are believed to be an ideal tool for those in pursuit of personal growth and change. It aids in maintaining optimism through the release of previous negativity and the fostering of new positivity.
Dumortierite Dumortierite is believed to be an amplifier of mental and spiritual abilities. It may be particularly helpful to those who practice astrology or tarot, and in all users is thought to increase emotional intelligence. Physically it is thought to improve memory function and clarity of thought.
Emerald A stone of the heart chakra, emerald is associated with unconditional love. Emerald may open the pathways to give and receive love and open us up to receiving abundance. Physically it is also associated with cardiovascular health and wellness.
Epidote Epidote is associated with all chakras and is touted to work as a magnet for what the user holds - good and bad. This stone is powerful, and the utilizers must hold within themselves the seeds for what they seek to sow. Physically this stone is associated with the release of blockages.
Eudialyte Eudialyte is thought to be a wonderful stone for bringing together and meshing the users physical needs and wants, with those of the emotional heart. It is additionally believed to increase synchronicities.
Fairy Stones Fairy stones are appreciated for the soothing energy they are thought to embody. A grounding stone, they may be helpful for those seeking to break patterns of behavior.
Flower Agate Flower agate is metaphysically associated with the soothing of anxiety and amplification of creativity. It may be particularly helpful for those manifesting goals while tapping into inner strength. Flower agate is thought to be a particularly helpful stone for amplification during meditation.
Fluorite Fluorite is a stone associated with clean up and clarification of psychic "junk." This cleansing effect may enable the user to see confusing situations more clearly and help one to make discerning assessments of complex situations. Physically it is thought to aid in dizziness and balanced brain chemistry.
Garnet (Almandine) Garnet is believed to be a powerful grounding stone, perfect for those who sometimes need earthbound tethering. It is thought to increase vitality, aid in recovery from injury, and clear out negativity.
Garnet (Grossular) Grossular garnet is a stone associated with bringing goals to fruition. It may assist with a scarcity mindset and empower the utilizer to put in the work to change current statuses.
Garnet (Spessartine) Spessartine garnet is thought to be a powerful stone for clearing negative auric energy, while attracting the wishes of the user. It may help with manifesting creative energy or stimulating physical fertility through its connection with the second chakra.
Gold Sheen Obsidian Gold sheen obsidian is an exceptional rock for the clearing of negative energy and purification of the auric field. Through this it assists with manifestation. It is associated with the Great Central Sun.
Grape Chalcedony (Grape Agate) Grape chalcedony is a calming stone that encourages cleansing and aura protection. It is thought to be beneficial for restful sleep, self-esteem, and creating connection to ones instincts.
Hematite (Black) An exceptional grounding stone, hematite can assist in bringing hopes and goals from the spiritual realms into manifested reality in the physical plane. Wearing or carrying hematite is particularly helpful in this effort. Additionally, it is thought to ward off toxic energies and support healthy blood function.
Hematite (Rainbow) Rainbow hematite is touted to increase overall wellness and alignment both physically and spiritually. It is additionally theorized to assist with autoimmune illness and anemia.
Hematoid Quartz Associated with grounding and spiritual growth, hematoid quartz is a powerful stone for connecting with one's surroundings. Additionally, it is believed to inspire creativity and boost confidence.
Howlite Howlite is associated with tranquility and calm amidst chaos. It may aid with releasing destructive emotions. Overall it is a stone of healing and transformation of negative emotions.
Indian Agate Indian Agate is a healing stone which may reduce feelings of envy and boost self confidence. It is thought to promote stability and healing.
Jade Associated strongly with the heart, green jade is touted for its ability to repair this area. Its wellness capabilities are also believed to be strongly associated with nature and it is recommended to wear especially when outside or to bring the outdoors in. It also may serve as a draw for prosperity and overall well-being.
Jasper Jasper is believed to be a balancing stone, working gradually to bring one back to an equilibrium. With time it is also thought to strengthen one's memory and life force. 
Kunzite Kunzite is a stone believed to embody all things and forms of love. By wearing and utilizing this stone it is theorized to improve heart and head communication. Through the use and fostering of the love embodied in kunzite, the ultimate finding is divine love.
Kyanite (Black) Kyanite is thought to be a special stone that allows the clearing of blockages in all chakras. While clearing the user's energy and allowing for introspection and interdimensional consciousness, it also maintains ground and embodiment in reality. 
Labradorite Labradorite is one of the premier options for opening the user's third eye, intuition, and psychic powers - earning its position as the stone of magic. It may assist in effective psychic reading, astral travel, and coincidence control. It may be used to create inner magic, while also exploring our world with a magical lens.
Lapis Lazuli A stone integrally tied to ancient Egypt due to its favoring by the pharaohs, Lapis Lazuli is tied to the throat chakra and is thought to enhance the third eye vision. This stone may bring the utilizer to a higher plane of awareness while creating visions of the mind, rather than words.
Larimar With its soothing hues, larimar is thought to be steeped in the ability to bring peace to anger, and strength to truthful speaking - even in times of turmoil. Larimar may also aid in releasing old, out-of-service bonds and assist in creating a calming environment.
Lepidolite Lepidolite is touted as a prime option for creating inner calm in the face of stress. Not only is it thought to calm nerves but in conflict it also may foster movement towards a harmonious resolution.
Lodalite Garden Quartz Garden Quartz Lodalite is thought to be of assistance with resolving conflict and turning negativity into positivity. These crystals may boost willpower and aid in manifestation.
Magnetite Empowered by its magnetic capabilities, magnetite is thought to be an exceptional stone for balancing energies: feminine/masculine, grounded/in the clouds, etc... It is thought that simply by holding a stone in each hand one can rebalance and align their aura.
Malachite For protection from negative energies, malachite is an exceptional option. It may protect the user, make them more aware of impending danger, and increase the likelihood of positive synchronicities. The effect on one's being is emotional clarity and confidence-boosting. 
Meteorite (Pallasite) With its heart and third eye connections, the pallasite meteorite is thought to aid those who feel "stuck" in one life position. Because of this connection, it is often utilized for assistance with those who experience agoraphobia and fear of flying especially.
Mohagany Obsidian Thought to help with cleansing of negative energies, it may also assist with feelings of unworthiness. This is a strong option for those looking for protection from psychic attack.
Moldavite A fabled stone with ties to the legendary Stone of the Holy Grail, moldavite is associated with spiritual transformation that occurs swiftly. It is theorized to bring about rapid physical and spiritual change, fostering positivity in the user's life and breaking ties with the negative.
Mookaite Mookaite is a stone associated with calm and sustaining, even during times of stress. It may assist with emotional growth as well as the discovery of new ideas and revelations.
Morganite A fabled stone with ties to the legendary Stone of the Holy Grail, moldavite is associated with spiritual transformation that occurs swiftly. It is theorized to bring about rapid physical and spiritual change, fostering positivity in the user's life and breaking ties with the negative.
Moss Agate Moss agate is believed to beam with balancing and stabilizing qualities. It may be helpful for those recovering from an illness and individuals reaching for new goals.
Moss Agate Moss agate is believed to be a fantastic stone for cultivating balance and stability. It may prove helpful for those healing from physical or emotional traumas as it enhances endurance.
Obsidian (Black) Black obsidian is an optimal stone for cleansing and dispelling negative external energy, as well as inner turmoil. Along with these abilities, it is also a grounding stone that pairs well with astral scribing and tying oneself firmly to an earthly grounding.
Obsidian (Rainbow) Rainbow obsidian is believed to assist with the healing of emotional wounds. It is thought to bring the user through dark times and back into a state of lightness.
Obsidian (Snowflake) Snowflake obsidian is theorized to be an extremely helpful stone for the use of drawing up past challenges, looking at our history, and moving beyond. Increased psychic sensitivity that it brings aids in this process. Throughout it is a grounding stone, tethering the user to the earth throughout the process.
Ocean Jasper Ocean Jasper is thought to promote emotional balance and harmony, and also believed to help heal relationships and enhance self-love. Physically it may boost the immune system.
Onyx Onyx is thought to be a great moderator of energy. It may assist the user with mustering the endurance needed for arduous tasks, mastering those skills, and retaining what they've gained. Physically it is thought to have similar effects on those recovering from an illness and regaining and strengthening physical capabilities.
Opal Opal is touted as a stone that aids in reflecting on one's past. It is also believed to grant users protection when used properly. Physically it is thought to assist with memory, blood and kidney function, childbirth, and PMS symptoms.
Peridot Metaphysically, Peridot is strongly associated with positivity and energy. It is additionally thought to be an amplifier of financial prosperity.
Petalite Petalite is believed to be a stone of manifestation. This is due to its potential ability to access psychic abilities while maintaining a grounding aura for the utilizer. It is thought to be an all around calming stone for both those with psychological as well as physical stress.
Petrified Wood A stone with clear ties to the past, petrified wood is said to assist in introspection in looking towards past lives, how they continue to impact us, and reconciling those memories. Physically it is suggested to be helpful for those with spinal and general skeletal issues. 
Pyrite Pyrite is believed to be a fantastic option for those seeking an increase in vitality. It is also thought to help boost willpower, aiding in making positive changes and breaking desired negative habit patterns. Additionally, it may spurn creative activities and assist with focus throughout the process.
Rainbow Moonstone Rainbow moonstone lends a gentle joy to those who enjoy this stone. An aid for stress and unresolved traumas, it promotes self-assurance, positivity, and enthusiasm for life and all of its experiences.
Rhodocrosite Rhodocrosite is a stone closely connected to love and self-love in particular. It may be in aid in repairing past emotional scars and assist in rebalancing to a spirit of gratitude and safety. It is thought to leave a sense of joy where there once was pain.
Rhodonite A stone connected to love, rhodonite is more outwardly focused than some of the other love-focused stones. Utilizers may be encouraged by rhodonite to use their skills and talents for the greater good of their community, for those they love, and for those they may serve. Through this giving of love and talents, the user finds great love and satisfaction themselves.
Rose Quartz Perhaps the most central stone of love, rose quartz encapsulates love in all of its forms. It is believed that through the use of rose quartz, emotions that are painful or antithetical to love will be soothed and replaced. Physically rose quartz is connected to the physical heart, and it is said to be useful for fostering heart health.
Rutilated Quartz Rutilated quartz might best be thought of as a magnifying glass. It is thought to magnify intentions, manifestations, and abilities to read situations and emotions. As it magnifies, it is also believed to hasten resolution and progress as one moves through different emotional scenarios.
Scapolite This stone is exceptional for goal setting and working until completion is met. It is believed the user will receive additional drive and pride in themselves and their efforts while doing internal work.
Schalenblende Schalenblende is a superior grounding stone, even physically indicated by it's dense makeup. It's touted as protective of the user and as helpful for those focusing inward and avoiding the outside opinions of the world.
Selenite With an intense effect on the upper chakras, selenite is thought to be exceptional at clearing energetic blockages and negativity. With the clarity it is said to allow, users may have greater ease connecting with spiritual guidance. Additionally, it is a fantastic worker with other crystal tools due to its great conductivity. 
Seraphinite While encouraging the release of toxins and correcting the alignment of the user, seraphinite is also thought to imbue a sense of wholeness. Physically this also pairs with the potential for restoration of cellular health. 
Shiva Lingam Shiva lingam is a stone believed to be deeply connected to earth energy. It is a sacred stone, given its name for the Hindu god Shiva. Physically this stone may assist with energy, and spiritually it is thought to connect the user with the Divine.
Shungite Shungite is thought to aid in the release of negative energies and the intake of light. It is associated with truthfulness and may even make lying uncomfortable for users. 
Smoky Quartz Smoky quartz is an exceptional grounding stone, bringing even those with their heads most "in the clouds" down to earth. It is also known for its almost unending ability to clear negative energy in a space. It may assist with feeling physically present and available for grounded everyday life.
Sodalite Sodalite is thought to be a stone of grounded and frank insight. It may allow users to evaluate their status in life and goals, moving forward objectively toward their path. This objectivity further leads the user towards revelations and greater self-understanding.
Sphalerite Spheralite is believed to assist with discernment between truths and falsehoods in life. It is thought to energize both physically and emotionally, activating the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras. 
Sunstone Associated with the light of the sun, sunstone is said to carry warmth, benevolence, and strength. It is a stone that may give leads the strength to carry on and lend worthiness to those who are low. For the manifestation of prosperity and attainment of knowledge, sunstone is an amazing match. 
Tanzanite Tanzanite is believed to be a wonderful connector of the heart and mind. This linking supports creating wholeness, leading to joy and greater pleasure. Physically it is also thought to improve neural pathways and adrenal function.
Tektite Tektites are regarded as stones of good luck, which connect us to the skies and potential ETs due to their starbound creation. Tektite use is recommended for those seeking to commune with extraterrestrial beings, and this may be sought through meditation or sleeping with the stones.
Thunder Egg Agate Thunder egg agate is believed to aid in anger management and amplification of psychic abilities. Touted as a grounding stone, it may also assist with attracting good fortune.
Tigers Eye A stone that inspires physical action and a down to earth mindset, it is a favorable companion during negotiations. Its metaphysical capacities lend it well toward finding common ground, even during times of paradox. Physically it is considered a stone for increasing in vitality.
Topaz Topaz is believed to be an exceptional stone for manifesting one's truest hopes and desires, while staying grounded. It is thought to align the user with Divine Will.
Tourmaline (Black) Black tourmaline is a strong stone for cleansing negative energy. It may be utilized by those in difficult circumstances they are unable to leave and also for general auric cleansing to assist in negative self-thoughts, lack of confidence, and anxieties.
Tourmaline (Green) As it is associated with the heart chakra, green tourmaline is thought to assist with both physical and emotional heart health. It is also believed to assist in plant growth and heartiness.
Tourmaline (Pink) Associated with the heart chakra, pink tourmaline is believed to aid in healing emotional wounds, in particular those from childhood. Through wearing and utilization in meditation it may promote feelings of love, comfort, and safety.
Turquoise As a stone associated with wholeness, turquoise is thought to bring one back to their truth while also being able to empathize and see other's truth as well. It is associated with the throat chakra and may assist in expressing oneself clearly and compassionately. 
Unakite Slow and steady wins the race with unakite. It is known to gently push one towards better habits and out of the ones the utilizer is seeking to break. This capacity of unakite also lends it towards gentle trauma work along the long journey of seeking higher spiritualism.
Wulfenite Wulfenite is a stone firmly tied to the Earth. It is thought to inspire creativity, and physically it is believed to stimulate metabolism.
Yellow (Golden) Apatite Associated with masculine energy (but usable by all), yellow apatite may assist in speaking one's truth, assertiveness, and learning. Yellow apatite may give clarity surrounding the user's path in life, and it may also assist with metabolism stimulation.
Zoisite (with Ruby) A stone thought to stimulate well-being, zoisite with ruby brings an opening of the heart chakra. This may support work on previously unknown emotional wounds and support improvement of depression and chronic fatigue.

Mineralogical Properties of Our Rocks, Crystals, & Minerals

Amazonite Amazonite is a variety of microcline, a potassium feldspar, that is generally triclinic. It is named for the Amazon River, where it may have been originally found.
Amber Amber originates as tree resin which then transforms to amber through processes of polymerization and isomerization. It may have natural inclusions of plant and insect life given its origin.
Amethyst Amethyst is a variety of quartz that owes its color to irradiation, iron, and transition materials. It is composed of a three-dimensional network of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.
Ametrine Ametrine is a variety of quartz that is a combination of amethyst and citrine. The differing compositions are due to differing oxidation zones of the iron composition.
Andalusite Andalusite is an aluminum nesosilicate mineral that is trimorphic with kyanite and sillimanite. Chiastolite varieties often contain dark inclusions of carbon or clay which form a cruciform pattern when shown in cross-section.
Angel Aura Quartz Angel Aura Quartz originates as clear quartz. It is put through a treatment where its surface is bonded with a vaporized platinum, silver, or other metallic treatment.
Angelite (Blue Anhydrite) Angelite is a mineral with an orthorhombic crystal system. It is a calcium sulfate mineral that generally forms in nodules.
Apache Tears Apache tears are composed of obsidian or volcanic glass, originating from lava flows. 
Apatite Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals that is common as an accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Often, it is fluorescent under ultraviolet light.
Aquamarine Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family and its blue colors are due to trace amounts of iron. It is named for its colorful resemblance to the sea and belongs to the hexagonal crystal system.
Aragonite Aragonite is a carbonate mineral, one of the three most common naturally occurring crystal forms of calcium carbonate. It may be columnar or fibrous in formation.
Astrophyllite Astrophyllite is a rare mineral that forms an isomorphous series with Kupletskite. It is usually opaque to translucent. Astrophyllite is given its name from the Greek words astron meaning "star" and phyllon meaning "leaf."
Auralite/Auralite 23 Auralite originates in Lake Superior, Canada. It is composed of amethyst (silicon dioxide) and up to 22 other mineral components. 
Aventurine Aventurine is a variety of quartzite which contains inclusions of platy minerals, which give a shimmering quality called aventurescense. It can be many colors depending on the inclusions.
Azurite Azurite is a secondary copper carbonate mineral, from which it gains its blue color. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system. Some of the most notable examples of Azurite are found in Arizona, France, and Namibia.
Bismuth Bismuth is a chemical element and brittle metal, that is one of the first discovered by man. Most commercially available bismuth crystals are lab-grown.
Bloodstone Bloodstone is a variety of chalcedony and is a crypto-crystalline variety of quartz.
Blue Lace Agate Blue lace agate is a variety of chalcedony and a member of the quartz family. It is found most abundantly in South Africa and is an achemical sedimentary mineral. It is found primarily in igneous rocks.
Boji Stones Boji stones come from Kansas and are presented in pairs with a smooth female stone and a rougher male with protrusions. They are concretions stones.
Bumblebee "Jasper" Bumblebee jasper is a sedimentary rock that is not a true jasper. It contains sulfur, manganese oxides, realgar, orpiment, and calcium carbonate, and it is primarily sourced in Australia.
Calcite (Blue) Blue calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. It is found in Mexico. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Calcite (Clear) Clear calcite has a hardness of 3 and is a calcium carbonate mineral. It has a rhombohedral crystal system.
Calcite (Green) Green calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. The shade of green ranges in depth and it is found in Mexico. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Calcite (Honey) Honey calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. The shade can range from pale to deep brown with some transparency. It is found in Mexico. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Calcite (Orange) Orange calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. The shade of orange ranges in depth and may have white inclusions. It is found in Mexico. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Calcite (Pink Opaque) Pink opaque calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. The shade can range from pale to vivid pink. It is found in Bulgaria and Peru. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Calcite (Pink Transparent/Optical) Pink transparent calcite is the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. The shade can range from yellowish pink to salmon pink. It is found in Mexico. Trace elements (such as: iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and strontium) cause color variation in calcite.
Carnelian Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony that ranges in color from pale orange to deep red-orange to pinkish-orange.
Celestite (Celestine) Celestite is a mineral composed of strontium sulfate that forms in tabular and prismatic crystals. It is primarily found in Madagascar.
Charoite Charoite is a silicate mineral officially discovered in 1978. It generally presents a swirling and fibrous appearance. It originates in Russia.
Chrysocolla Chrysocolla is a hydrous copper phyllosilicate secondary mineral found in the USA, Russia, Chile, and Zaire. It forms in the oxidation zones of copper ore bodies.
Chrysoprase Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony that contains small quantities of nickel which causes its green coloring.
Citrine Citrine is a variety of quartz that gains its yellow shades from a submicroscopic distribution of colloidal ferric hydroxide impurities. It is primarily produced in Brazil. Most citrine on the market is heat treated to a bright yellow-orange to orange-brown color. Natural citrine is hard to find commercially and is a yellow-grey color.
Clear Quartz Clear quartz has a hexagonal crystal system and is the most abundant mineral in Earth's crust. It is composed of a silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.
Copal Copal is tree resin in an intermediate stage of polymerization and hardening. It is sometimes referred to as "young amber."
Copper Copper is a pure chemical element and mineral that has high electrical conductivity. It is malleable and one of the few metals that can occur in directly usable form.
Dendritic Agate Dendritic agate is a variety of chalcedony and a member of the quartz family. It is a common mineral that has a cryptocrystalline structure. It is a chemical sedimentary mineral found primarily in igneous rock. Dendrites usually contain Minor Fe oxides.
Dumortierite Dumortierite is a fibrous variably colored aluminum boro-silicate mineral that generally forms in high temperature, aluminum rich metamorphic rocks. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system.
Emerald Emerald is a form of the mineral beryl and its green color comes from trace amounts of chromium or vanadium. It has a hexagonal crystal structure and is a cyclosilicate.
Epidote Epidote is an iron aluminum silicate that crystalizes in monoclinic formation. Epidote ranges from yellow-green to black.
Eudialyte The eudialyte group is relatively rare and is found associated with other alkalic igneous minerals. It is rarely euhedral.
Fairy Stones Fairy stones are composed of calcium carbonate and clay that forms around pebbles or fossils. Shapes vary but they generally have a disc formation.
Fluorite Fluorite is a calcium fluoride mineral that generally crystallizes in isometric cubic habit. It can range in colors, depending on the impurities, from colorless to transparent.
Garnet (Almandine) Almandine garnet is an iron alumina that generally shows three characteristic absorption bands. Its color can range from orange-red to purplish-red, and it is abundantly found in Sri Lanka.
Garnet (Grossular) Grossular garnet is a calcium-aluminum mineral.  It is a gemstone, and its name is from the gooseberry, for its color. Grossular garnet is relatively abundant with higher quality specimens more often found in Africa.
Garnet (Spessartine) Spessartine garnet has a hardness of 7 to 7.5 and is a manganese aluminum silicate.
Gold Sheen Obsidian Gold sheen obsidian has an amorphous structure and is composed of glassy, silica-rich volcanic rock. It has swirls of chatoyant gold.
Grape Chalcedony Grape chalcedony is a purple chalcedony with a botryoidal habit. It is mainly found in Indonesia and the USA. Despite being commonly referred to as "grape agate" it is not technically an agate.
Hematite Hematite is an iron oxide compound, commonly found in rocks and soil. Its crystal form is hexagonal, and hematite is electrically conductive. Hematite is commonly mistaken for meteorite.
Hematite (Rainbow) Hematite is an iron oxide compound, commonly found in rocks and soil. Natural rainbow hematite has a thin film of aluminum and/or phosphate. However, most commercially available rainbow hematite has been electroplated with titanium. Its crystal form is hexagonal, and hematite is electrically conductive.
Hematoid Quartz Clear quartz has a hexagonal crystal system and is the most abundant mineral in Earth's crust. It is composed of a silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Hematoid quart features inclusions of hematite.
Howlite Howlite is formed in evaporite deposits that result from the alteration of volcanic ash. Its structure is monoclinic with a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and it lacks regular cleavage.
Indian Agate Agate is the banded variety of chalcedony that has the tendency to form on or within pre-existing rocks. It is a microcrystalline variety of quartz.
Iron Pyrite Iron pyrite is an iron sulfide, and is the most common member of the pyrite mineral group. It has a cubic or octahedral crystal system.
Jade Jade is the umbrella term for both nephrite and jadeite. Nephrite is a calcium-magnesium silicate while jadeite is a sodium-aluminum silicate. Both are mineral aggregates.
Jasper Jasper is a variety of the quartz family that displays a hexagonal crystalline structure. It is an impure variety of silica that varies in color. It is opaque, in contrast with agate which is translucent.
Kunzite Kunzite is a form of spodumene that presents in pink to violet form. It has a monoclinic crystal system and is a lithium aluminum silicate. Its prisms present vertical striations.
Kyanite (Black) Kyanite is an aluminosilicate mineral with a triclinic crystal system. It is most abundantly found in Brazil. It is most commonly found in shades of blue.
Labradorite Labradorite was first found in Labrador, Canada. It is a calcium-enriched feldspar mineral with a triclinic crystal structure. It is know for its schiller effect, called labradorescense.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis lazuli is a semi-precious stone with an isometric crystal structure. Afghanistan is the premier supplier of fine lapis lazuli.
Larimar Larimar is a pectolite found in the Dominican Republic. It comes in varying shades of blue, the blue being a result of copper in this stone.
Lepidolite Lepidolite is the most abundant lithium-bearing mineral and has a monoclinic crystal system. It is generally pink, purple, or lavender.
Lodalite Garden Quartz Lodalite garden quartz is a clear quartz that contains inclusions of other minerals. This quartz variety may include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite, among many others. 
Magnetite Magnetite is highly magnetic. Its crystal habit ranges from octahedral, to granular, to massive.
Malachite Malachite forms in a monoclinic crystal system. It is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral. It is most notably found in Africa and Russia.
Meteorite (Pallasite) A meteorite is from a meteor that impacts the Earth's surface. Stony meteorite is mostly silicate and some iron, while iron meteorite is primarily iron-nickel with smaller amounts of silicates and other minerals. Pallasites are stony iron meteorites with large olivine crystal inclusions.
Mohagany Obsidian Obsidian is a volcanic glass with an amorphous structure. It is a product of felsic lava. Mohagany obsidian is black with reddish brown spots.
Moldavite Moldavite is a tektite, vitreous silica projectile glass formed by a meteorite impact. 
Moonstone (Rainbow) Moonstone is a variety of feldspar and has a monoclinic crystal system. It is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate known for the schiller effect called adularescence.
Morganite Morganite is a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral and variety of beryl, named for the mineral collector and financier J.P. Morgan. It has a hexagonal crystal structure.
Moss Agate Moss agate is a form of chalcedony and its green color is due to minerals embedded within. It is a semi-precious gemstone of the quartz family and is not truly an agate due to its lack of banding.
Moss Agate Moss agate is a quartz chalcedony with dendritic inclusions, rather than a true agate.
Obsidian (Black) Black obsidian is a volcanic glass with an amorphous structure. It is a product of felsic lava.
Obsidian (Rainbow) Rainbow obsidian is a volcanic glass with an amorphous structure. It is a product of felsic lava. Its iridescence is caused by the presence of tiny inclusions of magnetite.
Obsidian (Snowflake) Snowflake obsidian is a volcanic glass with an amorphous structure. It is a product of felsic lava. The white inclusions in snowflake obsidian are called pherulites.
Onyx Onyx is a member of the quartz family and a variety of chalcedony. It has a hexagonal crystal system, and onyx can come in a wide variety of colors.
Opal Opal is classified as a mineraloid and a hydrated amorphous form of silica. It often displays iridescence. It has a wide range of colors, with black specimens being the rarest.
Peridot Peridot has an orthorhombic crystal system and is a magnesium-iron silicate. It gains its green color due to its iron content.
Petalite Petalite crystallizes in a monoclinic system and is a lithium-sodium aluminum silicate. It can range in color from transparent to pink and yellow tones.
Petrified Wood Petrified wood is a fossil in which the original organic material has been replaced with chalcedony or other minerals.
Rhodocrosite Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral that is typically rose-red colored and belongs to the hexagonal crystal system.
Rhodonite Rhodonite is a member of the pyroxenoid group of minerals with a manganese metasilicate make up. It belongs to the triclinic crystal system.
Rose Quartz Rose quartz has a hexagonal crystal system and is pink colored. It is composed of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.
Ruby Ruby is an aluminum oxide with a hexagonal cystal system. It is a variety or corundrum.
Rutilated Quartz Rutilated quartz has inclusions of rutile, a titanium oxide mineral. It belongs to the hexagonal crystal system and is composed of silcon-oxygen tetrahedra.
Scapolite The scapolite mineral group is comprised of silicate minerals composed of sodium, aluminum, calcium, silicon, oxygen, chlorine, carbon, and sulfur. The scapolites have a tetragonal crystal system, and are found on every continent.
Schalenblende Schalenblende is a mixture of Sphalerite (Zn,Fe2+)S and Wurtzite (Zn,Fe)S masses of a pale brown color, occurring in concentric layers with reniform surfaces which also may contain pyrite and galena.
Selenite Selenite is a form of gypsum, composed of hydrous calcium sulfate. Some of the largest and most impressive formations are found and mined in Mexico.
Seraphinite Seraphinite is a form of clinochlore found in Siberia. It has a monoclinic crystal system.
Shiva Lingam Shiva lingam stones originate in western India. The egg-shaped stones are of crypto-crystalline quartz.
Shungite Shungite is found near Shunga, Russia, and is a combination of pyrobitumen/protographite, crystalline silicate, and other minerals. 
Smoky Quartz Smoky quartz has a hexagonal crystal system and is composed of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Its "smoky" coloring is due to natural radiation emitted from the surrounding rock which activates color centers around aluminum impurities within the quartz.
Sodalite Sodalite is a tectosilicate mineral composed of chloric sodium aluminum silicate. It is named particularly for its sodium content and is the most common member of the sodalite mineral group. The largest deposit is found in Brazil.
Sphalerite Sphalerite ranges widely in color and has a hardness of 3.5 to 4. It is a zinc sulfide mineral with a tetrahedral and dodecahedral crystal system.
Sunstone Sunstone has a triclinic crystal system and is an oligoclase feldspar found in Canada, Norway, Russia, Sweden, India, and the USA. It is known for its striking displays of schiller.
Tanzanite Tanzanite is a variety of the mineral zoisite only found in Tanzania. It appears blue, violet, or burgundy, depending on lighting conditions and orientation. 
Tektite Tektites are black, green, brown, or grey natural glass formed during the impact of a meteorite. They have an amorphous crystal system.
Thunder Egg Agate Thunder egg agate is formed within rhyolitic volcanic ash layers.  Specimens usually have a center of chalcedony which may have been fractured followed by deposition of agate, jasper or opal. Other common inclusions are quartz and gypsum crystals, as well as various other mineral growths and inclusions.
Tigers Eye Tiger's eye is a chatoyant gemstone and a member of the quartz group. It has a silky appearance and is yellow-brown to golden colored, red-brown, or blue.
Topaz Topaz has an orthorhombic crystal system. It is composed of aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide crystals and has a hardness of 8.
Tourmaline (Black) Black tourmaline is an aluminum borosilicate of opaque black. It has a hexagonal crystal structure. Black tourmaline is also known as Schorl.
Tourmaline (Green) Green tourmaline is an aluminum borosilicate. It has a hexagonal crystal structure. Lithium gives tourmaline this shade of green.
Tourmaline (Pink) Pink tourmaline is an aluminum borosilicate of rose shades. It has a hexagonal crystal structure. Lithium gives tourmaline this shade of pink.
Turquoise Turquoise is a blue to green mineral that is opaque. Composed of copper aluminum phosphate, it has a triclinic crystal structure. Its color comes from the inclusion of copper (blue shades) or iron (green shades).
Unakite Unakite has a hexagonal structure and is a rock composed of altered granite.
Wulfenite Wulfenite has a tetragonal crystal system and is composed of lead molybdenum oxide minerals. It has a hardness of 2.5 to 3.
Yellow (Golden) Apatite Golden (yellow) apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral, generally found in Mexico. It has a hardness of 5. 
Zoisite (with Ruby) Zoisite comes in a variety of colors and inclusions. It has an orthorhombic crystal system and is a calcium-aluminum silicate mineral.