NM Certified Safe




We are NM Safe Certified and we made the NM Safe Promise to keep our staff, our guests and our community safe.  Certification required Mama’s Minerals management team and staff to complete a series of virtual COVID-19 tutorials and pass follow-up exams regarding safety and hygiene best practices.

Make the #NMSafePromise:

·       WEAR IT WELL. Use a face covering while in public.

·       KEEP MY DISTANCE. Stay six feet from others.

·       STAY HOME WHEN SICK. Take care of myself & protect others.

·       SUDS UP OFTEN. Wash my hands frequently & follow recommended hygiene practices.

·       BE IN THE KNOW. Participate in any COVID-19 training available at my workplace.



We will deep clean and disinfect the stores and office areas multiple times daily, including disinfecting high-touch surfaces after each use. All wastepaper baskets will be emptied repeatedly using gloves.  Plastic trays are the only “shopping basket” in ABQ and will be disinfected after each use. Ditto for pencils. In Santa Fe, customers will set their purchases on the checkout desk directly behind the sneeze guard.  Hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes are available at both stores.  Staff and customers will use hand sanitizer before and after handling merchandise. This includes carrying merchandise to the registers and opening cases.



We are following and will keep up to date with the most current Health & Safety Standards as prescribed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as the NM Department of Health (NMDOH).  All staff and customers will wear face masks while on our store premises, except children under 2.  We have installed sneeze guards at our register stations in both stores for the protection of employees and customers. There are toe pulls on all doors that cannot be pushed with the body and do not have latches, with signs alerting customers to use them.  We have new curbside pickup and protocol available for customers.



We have taken steps to avoid crowding and grouping. We have rearranged the ABQ sales floor to support a 6-foot physical distance bubble for staff and customers.  We are following the Governor’s mandate of 25% occupancy limits, while observing 6-foot distancing. We are encouraging our customers to shop remotely by offering online sales, curbside delivery, concierge video/photo shopping, Facebook shopping and classes. We have a handout of remote shopping alternatives that we will give to everyone who comes to the store. We will consider instituting customized shopping times if conditions for our staff and customers are compromised.  We are following government guidelines for PTO and return to work requirements, including a negative COVID-19 test.

Learn more at www.nmsafepromise.org