Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook

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Product description

Title: Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook

Author: Kim Krans

The Wild Unknown Archetypes boxed set by Kim Krans illuminates the revelatory power of archetypes—the ancient, universal symbols that have endured across time and cultures and reside deep in our shared psyche. Illustrated in her unmistakable "Wild Unknown" style, it fosters a profound understanding of our complex personalities, behaviors, and tendencies.

Product Details:

Format: Paperback

Length: 224 pages

Language: English

ISBN10: 0062871773

ISBN13: 978-0062871770

Publisher: HarperOne

Publishing Date: October 15, 2019

Dimensions: 6.3” x 2.7” x 6.2”

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