
Chalcopyrite 1"
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Chalcopyrite displays an elegant, metallic golden-bronze color. When oxidized, you may find pleasantly surprising, iridescent shades of pink, blue, and purple!
Fifty Minerals that Changed the Course of History
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g the word “minerals” in its broadest sense, Fifty Minerals that Changed the Course of History features the metals, alloys, rocks, and organic minerals and gemstones that humans have used as the building blocks of civilization.
Calcite Honey Pakistan Tumbled ~20g
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As hinted at by its name, this lovely tumbled honey calcite is a pleasant honey color with artistically placed white veins. Can be incorporated in a medicine pouch, arranged in a crystal grid, or used as pocket stones! 
Brass Gathering Squirrel Charm
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This adorable squirrel charm crafted in brass, is perfect for beading projects or simply wearing on a chain.

16.5mm x 12.5mm
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