Mama's Minerals Info & Blog

How to Protect Your Home's Energy During The Holidays

The holidays can be as overwhelming and stressful as they are warm and magical. The constant flow of people and the accompanying stress can sometimes cause a stale or even overbearing energy to settle into a home. These bad vibes can often linger long after guests have left, throwing off the energy of a home for some time. Here are a few ways to keep the energy of your home light and soothing with guests coming and going, and how to cleanse residual vibes after the holidays are through.  ...
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Prophecy Stones

Prophecy Stone is the name given to a pseudomorph Limonite/Hematite after Pyrite/Marcasite. Pseudomorph refers to the process of one mineral replacing another, causing the mineral to develop in a diff ...

Amber and Copal

Read about the mineralogy and metaphysical benefits of Amber and Copal ...


Opal is an often colorful semi-opaque silicate mineraloid found in the Earth's crust. Precious Opal is a valuable and widely loved gemstone for its beautiful and flashy displays of color. It has a hig ...